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Please share this story to help us find the owners of the film!


 On a recent trip to the frontlines of Ukraine’s war my partner and I stumbled upon the remains of a darkroom/photo laboratory. Mixed in with the bullet casings and rubble were hundreds of rolls of Soviet-era film, capturing life in the eastern state of Donetsk.

Samuel Eder Found Film Donetsk BTS-2.jpg

Thrown from their carefully sorted archives when the building was bombed, these precious fragments of history were left to rot. Exposed to the elements and unrelenting fighting, the war has had a physically tangible effect of the film – slowly decaying with the ghost city around them.

Samuel Eder Found Film Donesk-2.jpg

When war broke out, tens-of-thousands fled the eastern state of Donbas – often forced to leave possessions behind. I wish to reunite these terrifyingly intimate moments of life before the war to their rightful owners, hoping to return a small fraction of what was lost.

For any questions, thoughts or tips please email me at:

This gallery is only the tip of the iceberg, with tens of thousands of pictures still waiting to be scanned.